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청춘, 커피 페스티벌: 가을의 아름다운 순간들을 담은 커피 문화 축제


가을을 대표하는 지역 축제인 '청춘, 커피 페스티벌'이 올해로 7회째를 맞이하며 성공적으로 개막식을 진행하였습니다. 롯데월드타워 잔디광장에서 열린 개막식에서는 '커피, 일상을 혁명하다'라는 주제와 관련하여 다양한 축사가 전해졌습니다.

김정호 한국경제신문 사장은 이번 행사가 국내 최대 커피 문화 축제로 자리매김한 것으로 평가하며 주제인 '프랑스 혁명'에 대해 언급했습니다. 그는 커피의 중요성과 프랑스 혁명과의 연관성에 대해 이야기하며, 일상의 변화를 모색하는 지식인들이 커피를 마시며 소통하고 혁신한 결과물이 프랑스 혁명이라고 설명했습니다. 그리고 참석자들에게 반복되는 일상에서 벗어나 따뜻한 커피 한잔과 함께 여유를 즐기길 바란다는 의미를 전달했습니다.

서강석 송파구청장은 젊은이들에게 응원의 메시지를 전달하면서 청춘과 커피의 공통점을 언급했습니다. 그는 원두 볶음에 따라 커피 맛과 향이 달라지듯이, 청춘을 어떻게 보내느냐에 따라 인생의 다양한 가능성이 열릴 수 있다고 강조하였습니다. 또한 청춘이 소중한 시기임을 강조하며 참석자들에게 서로 소통하고 멋진 청춘을 즐기길 바란다는 메시지를 전달했습니다.

주요 관계자들도 이번 행사에 대해 긍정적인 평가를 내렸습니다. 김선광 롯데문화재단 대표는 가을밤과 잘 어울리는 행사로 평가하여 문화예술과 일상에 커피가 결합되면 더욱 풍부해진다고 말했습니다. 하주호 SPC 부사장은 젊은이들의 활발한 참여와 분위기도 밝아져 좋았다고 평가하는 등 많은 관계자들이 이번 행사의 성공적인 진행을 칭찬하였습니다.

'청춘, 커피 페스티벌'은 가을 분위기와 함께 문화예술과 일상 속에서 커피를 즐길 수 있는 소중한 시간입니다. 이런 자리에서 젊음과 창의성이 만나면 더욱 아름다운 순간들로 이어질 것입니다.

The 'Youth, Coffee Festival,' which represents autumn, celebrated its 7th edition this year and successfully held its opening ceremony. The event took place at the Lotte World Tower Grass Square in Seoul's Songpa-gu district, where various speeches were delivered under the theme of 'Coffee Revolutionizing Everyday Life.'

At the opening ceremony of the 2023 Youth Coffee Festival, which started at 5:30 PM on the 14th, attendees including Kim Seon-kwang, CEO of Lotte Cultural Foundation; Seo Gang-seok, Mayor of Songpa-gu; Choi Sang-in, Executive Director of Dongseo Foods; Shin Dong-hee, Head Office Manager of Ediya Coffee; Ko Jeong-su, Executive Director of Maeil Dairy Industry; Ha Ju-ho, Deputy CEO of SPC Group; Hong Sung-wook, Senior Vice President of Starbucks Korea; Jang Young-cheol, Executive Director of BGF Retail; Kwak Chang-heon , Senior Vice President at GS Retail; and Kim Jeong-ho , President of Hankook Ilbo were present.

Kim Jeong-ho praised the Youth Coffee Festival as it has become South Korea's largest coffee culture festival since its inception in 2017. He mentioned this year's theme "French Revolution" and stated that there is a saying that without coffee, there would have been no French Revolution. He explained that during that time when intellectuals sought changes in their daily lives and shared ideas over coffee discussions led to the outcome known as the French Revolution. He added a message for everyone to take a break from their repetitive routines and enjoy some warm coffee while savoring moments of relaxation.

Mayor Seo Gang-seok attended the festival for two consecutive years and delivered an encouraging message to young people. He compared youth with coffee by highlighting how different roasting methods can produce distinct flavors and aromas in coffee beans. Similarly, he emphasized that depending on how one spends their youth will determine various opportunities awaiting them in life. He stressed that youth is a precious time that should be spent meaningfully and encouraged young participants to communicate with each other while enjoying an amazing youth experience.

During a pre-event session called "Key Figures' Tea Time," positive evaluations were given for this year's event as well. Kim Seon-kwang commented on how well-suited this event is for autumn nights and mentioned how combining culture and art with everyday life through coffee makes it even more enriching.

Deputy CEO Ha Ju-ho highly praised the significant participation from young people who visited the festival venue. He expressed his surprise at discovering such a space where citizens could participate at Lotte World Tower Plaza while also noting that vibrant energy was felt due to many young visitors.

The 'Youth Coffee Festival' represents a valuable time where people can enjoy coffee amidst autumn vibes along with cultural arts within their daily lives. When youthfulness meets creativity in such gatherings like this festival creates even more beautiful moments ahead.
